HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 2499th character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2426 |
wash in sieve; weed out
- wash in sieve
- weed out
- to wash
- to clean out
- to cleanse
- to eliminate
- to dredge

淘气 táo qì | naughty; mischievous |
淘汰 táo tài | to wash out; elimination (by selection); natural selection; to knock out (in a competition); to die out; to phase out |
小淘气 xiǎo táo qì | Rogue, Marvel Comics superhero; rascal |
淘汰赛 táo tài sài | a knockout competition |
淘金 táo jīn | to pan for gold; to try to make a fortune |
小淘氣 xiǎo táo qì | Rogue, Marvel Comics superhero; rascal |
末位淘汰 mò wèi táo tài | sacking the worst-performing employee; elimination of the worst-performing contestant |
海淘 hǎi táo | online purchase of goods dispatched from overseas |
淘客 táo kè | talk (loanword); chatline of PRC Internet company Taobao, |
淘宝网 táo bǎo wǎng | Taobao Marketplace, a Chinese website for online shopping |
淘寶網 táo bǎo wǎng | Taobao Marketplace, a Chinese website for online shopping |
淘析 táo xī | to strain; to wash and filter |
淘氣 táo qì | naughty; mischievous |
淘汰賽 táo tài sài | a knockout competition |
淘河 táo hé | pelican |
淘洗 táo xǐ | to wash |
淘神 táo shén | troublesome; bothersome |
淘箩 táo luó | basket (for washing rice) |
淘籮 táo luó | basket (for washing rice) |
淘米 táo mǐ | to rinse rice |
淘选 táo xuǎn | to decant; to strain off |
淘選 táo xuǎn | to decant; to strain off |
淘金潮 táo jīn cháo | gold rush |
淘金者 táo jīn zhě | gold panner; prospector for gold |
淘龙鱼 táo lóng yú | to raise dragon fish; in this context, it likely refers to the act of engaging in a challenging or adventurous task |