HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 2040th character |
RADICAL | ⼝ (30.4) |
INDEX # | 735 |
argue, dispute; disturb, annoy
吵 chǎo |

吵架 chǎo jià | to quarrel; to have a row; quarrel; CL:頓|顿[dun4] |
争吵 zhēng chǎo | to quarrel; dispute |
吵闹 chǎo nào | noisy; raucous; to shout and scream |
大吵大闹 dà chǎo dà nào | to shout and scream (idiom); to kick up a fuss; to make a scene |
吵嚷 chǎo rǎng | to make a racket; clamour; uproar |
吵嘴 chǎo zuǐ | to quarrel |
又吵又闹 yòu chǎo yòu nào | to make a lot of noise; to be disorderly |
又吵又鬧 yòu chǎo yòu nào | to make a lot of noise; to be disorderly |
吵吵 chāo chao | to make a racket; to quarrel |
吵吵嚷嚷 chǎo chǎo rǎng rǎng | to make an (unnecessary) racket (idiom) |
吵醒 chǎo xǐng | to wake sb up with a noise |
吵杂 chǎo zá | noisy |
吵雜 chǎo zá | noisy |
吵鬧 chǎo nào | noisy; raucous; to shout and scream |
吵闹声 chǎo nào shēng | noise |
吵鬧聲 chǎo nào shēng | noise |
大吵大鬧 dà chǎo dà nào | to shout and scream (idiom); to kick up a fuss; to make a scene |
爭吵 zhēng chǎo | to quarrel; dispute |
吵吵闹闹 chǎo chao nào nào | noisy and disorderly; arguing and making a scene |
吵到 chǎo dào | disturb; to make noise that bothers someone |
吵吵闹闹 chǎo chǎo nào nào | noisy and disorderly; in a state of uproar or disturbance |
别吵 bié chǎo | stop arguing; don't make noise |
争吵不休 zhēng chǎo bù xiū | continuous arguing; constant quarreling without stopping |
吵过 chǎo guò | quarrel or fight before |
越吵 yuè chǎo | the more noisy |