

HSK 5 #1212


  • wall
  • variant of 牆|墙[qiang2], wall
  • wall
  • CL:面[mian4],堵[du3]


墙 stroke order diagram
墙 stroke order animation


壁 qiáng bì wall
防火 fáng huǒ qiáng firewall; CL:堵[du3]
chéng qiáng city wall
wéi qiáng perimeter wall; fence; CL:道[dao4]
纸 qiáng zhǐ wallpaper
角 qiáng jiǎo corner (junction of two walls)
头草 qiáng tóu cǎo sb who goes whichever way the wind blows; sb with no mind of their own; easily swayed person; opportunist
rén qiáng wall (soccer)
huǒ qiáng firewall
铁壁 tóng qiáng tiě bì copper wall, iron bastion (idiom); impenetrable defense
qí qiáng to sit on the fence; to take both sides in a dispute
mù qiáng curtain wall (architecture)
脚 wā qiáng jiǎo to undermine; to let someone down; to seduce someone away from something
shān qiáng gable
根 qiáng gēn foot of a wall
xiāo qiáng (literary) screen wall shielding an entrance in traditional Chinese architecture
不撞南不回头 bù zhuàng nán qiáng bù huí tóu to stubbornly insist on one's own ideas (idiom)
付费 fù fèi qiáng (computing) paywall (loanword)
佛跳 fó tiào qiáng lit. Buddha jumps over the wall, name for a Chinese dish that uses many non-vegetarian ingredients
兄弟阋于,外御其侮 xiōng dì xì yú qiáng , wài yù qí wǔ internal disunity dissolves at the threat of an invasion from outside (idiom)
兄弟阋 xiōng dì xì qiáng internecine strife (idiom); fighting among oneself
kū qiáng Wailing Wall, or Western Wall (Jerusalem)
wài qiáng facade; external wall
女儿 nǚ ér qiáng crenelated parapet wall
nǚ qiáng crenelated parapet wall
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