


  • wall
  • variant of 牆|墙[qiang2], wall
  • wall
  • CL:面[mian4],堵[du3]


不撞南不回頭 bù zhuàng nán qiáng bù huí tóu to stubbornly insist on one's own ideas (idiom)
rén qiáng wall (soccer)
付費 fù fèi qiáng (computing) paywall (loanword)
佛跳 fó tiào qiáng lit. Buddha jumps over the wall, name for a Chinese dish that uses many non-vegetarian ingredients
兄弟鬩 xiōng dì xì qiáng internecine strife (idiom); fighting among oneself
kū qiáng Wailing Wall, or Western Wall (Jerusalem)
wéi qiáng perimeter wall; fence; CL:道[dao4]
chéng qiáng city wall
wài qiáng facade; external wall
女兒 nǚ ér qiáng crenelated parapet wall
nǚ qiáng crenelated parapet wall
shān qiáng gable
mù qiáng curtain wall (architecture)
引水入 yǐn shuǐ rù qiáng lit. to lead the water through the wall; to ask for trouble (idiom)
拆東補西 chāi dōng qiáng bǔ xī qiáng lit. pull down the east wall to repair the west wall (idiom); fig. temporary expedient; Rob Peter to pay Paul
腳 wā qiáng jiǎo to undermine; to let someone down; to seduce someone away from something
擋風 dǎng fēng qiáng lit. windbreak; fig. protector
柏林圍 bó lín wéi qiáng Berlin Wall
柏林 bó lín qiáng Berlin Wall
民主 mín zhǔ qiáng Democracy Wall (1978-1989), esp. during the Beijing Spring democracy movement
沒有不透風的 méi yǒu bù tòu fēng de qiáng (idiom) no secret can be kept forever
浮雕紙 fú diāo qiáng zhǐ anaglypta (sculptured wallpaper)
混水 hún shuǐ qiáng plastered masonry wall
清水 qīng shuǐ qiáng unplastered masonry wall
huǒ qiáng firewall
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