


  • wall
  • variant of 牆|墙[qiang2], wall
  • wall
  • CL:面[mian4],堵[du3]


爛泥扶不上 làn ní fú bù shàng qiáng useless (idiom); worthless; inept
爛泥糊不上 làn ní hú bù shàng qiáng see 爛泥扶不上牆|烂泥扶不上墙[lan4 ni2 fu2 bu4 shang4 qiang2]
pá qiáng to climb a wall; (fig.) to be unfaithful
垣 qiáng yuán wall; fence
報 qiáng bào wall newspaper
壁 qiáng bì wall
旮旯 qiáng gā lá recess between walls
板鋸 qiáng bǎn jù drywall saw; plasterboard saw
根 qiáng gēn foot of a wall
紙 qiáng zhǐ wallpaper
角 qiáng jiǎo corner (junction of two walls)
頭草 qiáng tóu cǎo sb who goes whichever way the wind blows; sb with no mind of their own; easily swayed person; opportunist
狗急跳 gǒu jí tiào qiáng a cornered dog will jump over the wall (idiom); to be driven to desperate action
石膏板 shí gāo qiáng bǎn drywall; gypsum wallboard; plasterboard
空心 kōng xīn qiáng cavity wall; hollow wall
fěn qiáng whitewashed wall; to whitewash a wall
hú qiáng to paper a wall
紙 hú qiáng zhǐ wallpaper
紅杏出 hóng xìng chū qiáng lit. the red apricot tree leans over the garden wall (idiom); fig. a wife having an illicit lover
fān qiáng lit. to climb over the wall; fig. to breach the Great Firewall of China
根 tīng qiáng gēn to eavesdrop; to listen in secret to sb's conversations
根兒 tīng qiáng gēn r erhua variant of 聽牆根|听墙根[ting1 qiang2 gen1]
面 tīng qiáng miàn surface of wall
xiōng qiáng parapet; defensive wall; breastwork
xiāo qiáng (literary) screen wall shielding an entrance in traditional Chinese architecture