HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 874th character |
RADICAL | ⽊ (75.4) |
INDEX # | 1027 |
spear, lance; gun, rifle
- spear, lance
- gun, rifle
- surname Qiang
- gun
- firearm
- rifle
- spear
- thing with shape or function similar to a gun
- CL:支[zhi1],把[ba3],桿|杆[gan3],條|条[tiao2],枝[zhi1]
- to substitute for another person in a test
- to knock
- classifier for rifle shots
- variant of 槍|枪[qiang1]

开枪 kāi qiāng | to open fire; to shoot a gun |
枪击 qiāng jī | to shoot with a gun; shooting incident |
手枪 shǒu qiāng | pistol; CL:把[ba3] |
枪杀 qiāng shā | to shoot dead |
枪支 qiāng zhī | a gun; guns in general |
枪声 qiāng shēng | crack; shooting sound; gunshot |
枪手 qiāng shǒu | gunman; sharpshooter; sb who takes an exam for sb else; sb who produces a piece of work for sb else to pass off as their own |
步枪 bù qiāng | rifle; CL:把[ba3],枝[zhi1] |
金枪鱼 jīn qiāng yú | tuna |
猎枪 liè qiāng | hunting gun; shotgun |
枪战 qiāng zhàn | gun battle; firefight |
枪械 qiāng xiè | firearm |
枪口 qiāng kǒu | muzzle of a gun |
机枪 jī qiāng | machine gun |
枪子 qiāng zǐ | bullet |
枪毙 qiāng bì | to execute by firing squad; to shoot dead; fig. to discard; to get rid of |
枪法 qiāng fǎ | marksmanship |
左轮手枪 zuǒ lún shǒu qiāng | revolver |
机关枪 jī guān qiāng | also written 機槍|机枪; machine gun |
单枪匹马 dān qiāng pǐ mǎ | lit. single spear and horse (idiom); fig. single-handed; unaccompanied |
枪决 qiāng jué | to execute by firing squad; same as 槍斃|枪毙 |
来复枪 lái fù qiāng | rifle (loanword); also written 來福槍|来福枪 |
冲锋枪 chōng fēng qiāng | submachine gun |
刀枪不入 dāo qiāng bù rù | lit. impervious to sword or spear (idiom); fig. invulnerable; untouchable; thick-skinned; impervious to criticism |
烟枪 yān qiāng | opium pipe |