HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 546th character |
RADICAL | ⼰ (49.1) |
INDEX # | 178 |
greatly desire, anxiously hope
巴 bā |

尾巴 wěi ba | tail; colloquial pr. [yi3 ba5] |
巴不得 bā bu de | (coll.) to be eager for; to long for; to look forward to |
巴结 bā jie | to fawn on; to curry favor with; to make up to |
巴黎 bā lí | Paris, capital of France |
嘴巴 zuǐ ba | mouth; CL:張|张[zhang1]; slap in the face; CL:個|个[ge4] |
古巴 gǔ bā | Cuba |
巴斯 bā sī | Bath city in southwest England |
巴西 bā xī | Brazil |
巴士 bā shì | bus (loanword); motor coach |
下巴 xià ba | chin; CL:個|个[ge4] |
巴基斯坦 bā jī sī tǎn | Pakistan |
巴库 bā kù | Baku, capital of Azerbaijan |
巴里 bā lǐ | Bari (Puglia, Italy) |
乡巴佬 xiāng bā lǎo | (derog.) villager; hick; bumpkin |
阿尔巴尼亚 ā ěr bā ní yà | Albania |
巴特 bā tè | Barth or Barthes (name); Roland Barthes (1915-1980), French critic and semiotician |
巴尔的摩 bā ěr dì mó | Baltimore (place name, surname etc) |
巴掌 bā zhang | palm of the hand; classifier: slap |
巴格达 bā gé dá | Baghdad, capital of Iraq |
巴拿马 bā ná mǎ | Panama |
哑巴 yǎ ba | mute; muted; a dumb person; to be dumb |
伦巴 lún bā | rumba (loanword) |
巴比伦 bā bǐ lún | Babylon |
斯巴达 sī bā dá | Sparta |
泥巴 ní bā | mud |