
greatly desire, anxiously hope

HSK 5 #546


巴 bā
  • Ba state during Zhou dynasty (in east of modern Sichuan)
  • abbr. for east Sichuan or Chongqing
  • surname Ba
  • abbr. for Palestine or Palestinian
  • abbr. for Pakistan
  • to long for
  • to wish
  • to cling to
  • to stick to
  • sth that sticks
  • close to
  • next to
  • spread open
  • informal abbr. for bus 巴士[ba1 shi4]
  • bar (unit of pressure)
  • nominalizing suffix on certain nouns, such as 尾巴[wei3 ba5], tail


巴 stroke order diagram
巴 stroke order animation


克 xīng bā kè Starbucks, US coffee shop chain
拉 bā bā lā Barbara (name)
dà bā (coll.) large bus; coach; (abbr. for 大型巴士)
斯蒂安 sāi bā sī dì ān Sebastian (name)
哈马 bā hā mǎ The Bahamas
sāng bā samba (dance) (loanword)
jiē ba to stutter
嫩 lí bā nèn Lebanon
勒斯坦 bā lè sī tǎn Palestine
塞罗那 bā sài luó nà Barcelona
lín bā lymph (loanword); lymphatic
伐利亚 bā fá lì yà Bavaria
金 bā jīn Ba Jin (1904-2005), novelist, author of the trilogy 家, 春, 秋
伦西亚 bā lún xī yà Valencia, Spain
拉圭 bā lā guī Paraguay
bā bā (suffix) very; extremely
赫 bā hè Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), German composer
阿尔尼亚人 ā ěr bā ní yà rén Albanian (person)
斯 lā bā sī La Paz, administrative capital of Bolivia
克斯 bā kè sī Bacchus, Greek god of wine
厘岛 bā lí dǎo Bali (island in Indonesia)
zhòu bā bā wrinkled; crumpled; unironed
桑给尔 sāng jǐ bā ěr Zanzibar
结 lín bā jié lymphatic node; lymph gland
gān bā bā dry; parched; dull; insipid