HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1403rd character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.10) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2832 |
take in, absorb; act as deputy
- take in, absorb
- act as deputy
- to take in
- to absorb
- to assimilate
- to act for
- to take a photo
- photo shoot
- photo
- to conserve (one's health)

摄影 shè yǐng | to take a photograph; photography; to shoot (a movie) |
摄氏度 shè shì dù | °C (degrees Celsius) |
拍摄 pāi shè | to film; to shoot (a picture) |
摄像机 shè xiàng jī | video camera; CL:部[bu4] |
摄影师 shè yǐng shī | photographer; cameraman |
摄像头 shè xiàng tóu | webcam; surveillance camera |
摄影机 shè yǐng jī | camera; movie camera |
摄影棚 shè yǐng péng | film studio; television studio |
摄像 shè xiàng | to videotape |
摄入 shè rù | to take in; to absorb; to consume; intake; consumption |
摄氏 shè shì | Celsius; centigrade |
摄取 shè qǔ | to absorb (nutrients etc); to assimilate; intake; to take a photograph of (a scene) |
摄制 shè zhì | to produce (a TV show etc) |
摄政王 shè zhèng wáng | regent |
摄影家 shè yǐng jiā | photographer |
摄政 shè zhèng | to act as regent |
摄食 shè shí | to consume |
中子射线摄影 zhōng zǐ shè xiàn shè yǐng | neutron radiography |
乳房摄影 rǔ fáng shè yǐng | mammography |
俯瞰摄影 fǔ kàn shè yǐng | crane shot; boom shot (photography) |
善自珍摄 shàn zì zhēn shè | take good care of yourself! (idiom) |
报道摄影师 bào dào shè yǐng shī | photojournalist |
婚纱摄影 hūn shā shè yǐng | wedding photos (done in studio, kit and caboodle taken care of by the studio) |
定时摄影 dìng shí shè yǐng | time-lapse photography |
延时摄影 yán shí shè yǐng | time-lapse photography |