HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 2470th character |
RADICAL | ⼃ (4.7) |
INDEX # | 1128 |
rebel; crafty, shrewd
乖 guāi |

乖乖 guāi guāi | (of a child) well-behaved; obediently; (term of endearment for a child) darling; sweetie |
乖乖 guāi guai | goodness gracious!; oh my lord! |
乖巧 guāi qiǎo | clever (child); smart; lovable; cute |
乖张 guāi zhāng | recalcitrant; unreasonable; peevish |
乖戾 guāi lì | perverse (behavior); disagreeable (character) |
乖僻 guāi pì | peculiar; eccentric |
上一次当,学一次乖 shàng yī cì dàng , xué yī cì guāi | to take sth as a lesson for next time (idiom); once bitten, twice shy |
上一次當,學一次乖 shàng yī cì dàng , xué yī cì guāi | to take sth as a lesson for next time (idiom); once bitten, twice shy |
乖乖牌 guāi guāi pái | good little boy (or girl) |
乖張 guāi zhāng | recalcitrant; unreasonable; peevish |
乖忤 guāi wǔ | stubborn; contrary; disobedient |
乖离 guāi lí | to part; to separate; to deviate |
乖觉 guāi jué | perceptive; alert; clever; shrewd |
乖覺 guāi jué | perceptive; alert; clever; shrewd |
乖谬 guāi miù | ridiculous; abnormal |
乖謬 guāi miù | ridiculous; abnormal |
乖迕 guāi wǔ | stubborn; contrary; disobedient |
乖顺 guāi shùn | obedient (colloquial) |
乖順 guāi shùn | obedient (colloquial) |
嘴乖 zuǐ guāi | (coll.) to speak in a clever and lovable way |
学乖 xué guāi | to learn from experience (coll.) |
學乖 xué guāi | to learn from experience (coll.) |
得便宜卖乖 dé pián yi mài guāi | to have benefited from sth but pretend otherwise; to claim to be hard done by, even though one has benefited |
得便宜賣乖 dé pián yi mài guāi | to have benefited from sth but pretend otherwise; to claim to be hard done by, even though one has benefited |
时乖命蹇 shí guāi mìng jiǎn | bad times, adverse fate (idiom) |