pleasure, enjoyment, amusement

HSK 5 #2493


  • pleasure, enjoyment, amusement
  • to amuse


娱 stroke order diagram
娱 stroke order animation


乐 yú lè to entertain; to amuse; entertainment; recreation; amusement; hobby; fun; joy
zì yú to amuse oneself
乐界 yú lè jiè entertainment world; show business
wén yú cultural recreation; entertainment
huān yú to amuse; to divert; happy; joyful; pleasure; amusement
乐中心 yú lè zhōng xīn amusement park; recreation center; entertainment center
乐场 yú lè chǎng place of entertainment; casino; resort
乐场所 yú lè chǎng suǒ place of entertainment
遣 yú qiǎn amusement
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