HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1303rd character |
RADICAL | ⽶ (119.7) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 2998 |
food, grain, provisions
- food, grain, provisions
- grain
- food
- provisions
- agricultural tax paid in grain

粮食 liáng shi | foodstuff; cereals; CL:種|种[zhong3] |
粗粮 cū liáng | coarse grains (maize, sorghum etc) |
粮仓 liáng cāng | granary; barn; fig. bread basket (of fertile agricultural land) |
口粮 kǒu liáng | ration |
干粮 gān liáng | rations (to take on expedition) |
食粮 shí liáng | food cereals |
弹尽粮绝 dàn jìn liáng jué | out of ammunition and no food left (idiom); in desperate straits |
粮票 liáng piào | coupons for food or grain used in a PRC economic program c. 1955-1993 |
粮草 liáng cǎo | army provisions; rations and fodder |
军粮 jūn liáng | army provisions |
皇粮 huáng liáng | lit. imperial funding for troops; funds or items supplied by the government |
杂粮 zá liáng | grain crops other than rice and wheat |
储备粮 chǔ bèi liáng | grain reserves |
救济粮 jiù jì liáng | relief grain; emergency provisions |
钱粮 qián liáng | land tax; money and grain (given as tax or tribute) |
世界粮食署 shì jiè liáng shi shǔ | World food program (United Nations aid agency) |
干粮袋 gān liáng dài | knapsack (for provisions); haversack |
五粮液 wǔ liáng yè | Wuliangye liquor; Five Grain liquor |
交粮本 jiāo liáng běn | to hand in one's ration cards; to die |
公粮 gōng liáng | tax paid in grain |
兵精粮足 bīng jīng liáng zú | elite soldiers, ample provisions (idiom); well-prepared forces; preparations for war are in an advanced state |
兵马未动,粮草先行 bīng mǎ wèi dòng , liáng cǎo xiān xíng | before the troops move, fodder and provisions go first (idiom); logistics comes before military maneuvers; an army marches on its stomach |
出粮 chū liáng | (dialect) to pay salary |
吃皇粮 chī huáng liáng | lit. to eat from government coffers; to serve as a government employee; to live off government money |
吃粮不管事 chī liáng bù guǎn shì | to eat without working (idiom); to take one's pay and not care about the rest |