HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 2753rd character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.7) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1804 |
to pick up
- to pick up
- to pick up
- to collect
- to gather

捡拾 jiǎn shí | to pick up; to gather |
捡了芝麻丢了西瓜 jiǎn le zhī ma diū le xī guā | to let go of the big prize while grabbing at trifles (idiom) |
捡到篮里就是菜 jiǎn dào lán lǐ jiù shì cài | all is grist that comes to the mill (idiom) |
捡尸 jiǎn shī | (slang) to target an intoxicated person for sexual assault |
捡骨 jiǎn gǔ | bone-gathering, a custom of Fujian and Taiwan in which a son recovers the bones of his deceased father from the grave and places them in an urn for permanent storage at a different location |
捡起 jiǎn qǐ | pick up; to lift an object from the ground or a surface |
捡回来 jiǎn huí lái | pick back up; recover; retrieve |
捡起来 jiǎn qǐ lái | pick up; to pick something up from the ground |
捡来 jiǎn lái | to pick up; to gather (from somewhere) |
捡了个 jiǎn le gè | picked up; found and took advantage of; gained a small benefit or advantage |
捡漏 jiǎn lòu | to pick up missed opportunities; to take advantage of a situation where others have overlooked or neglected something |