HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1098th character |
RADICAL | ⾡ (162.6) |
INDEX # | 1623 |
traces, impressions, footprints
迹 jì |

奇迹 qí jì | miracle; miraculous; wonder; marvel |
名胜古迹 míng shèng gǔ jì | historical sites and scenic spots |
痕迹 hén jì | vestige; mark; trace |
迹象 jì xiàng | mark; indication; sign; indicator |
踪迹 zōng jì | tracks; trail; footprint; trace; vestige |
事迹 shì jì | deed; past achievement; important event of the past |
血迹 xuè jì | bloodstain |
笔迹 bǐ jì | handwriting |
足迹 zú jì | footprint; track; spoor |
轨迹 guǐ jì | locus; orbit; trajectory; track |
蛛丝马迹 zhū sī mǎ jì | lit. spider's thread and horse track; tiny hints (of a secret); traces; clue |
遗迹 yí jì | trace; vestige; historical remains; remnant |
字迹 zì jì | handwriting |
污迹 wū jì | blotch; stain |
销声匿迹 xiāo shēng nì jì | to vanish without trace (idiom); to lie low |
古迹 gǔ jì | places of historic interest; historical sites; CL:個|个[ge4] |
发迹 fā jì | to make one's mark; to go up in the world; to make one's fortune |
绝迹 jué jì | to be eradicated; to vanish; extinct; to break off relations |
印迹 yìn jì | footprint |
墨迹 mò jì | ink marks; original calligraphy or painting of famous person |
劣迹 liè jì | bad record (esp. of a public official); unsavory track record |
混迹 hùn jì | mixed in as part of a community; hiding one's identity; occupying a position while not deserving it |
行迹 xíng jì | tracks; traces; movements |
人迹罕至 rén jì hǎn zhì | lit. men's footprints are rare (idiom); fig. off the beaten track; lonely; deserted |
真迹 zhēn jì | authentic (painting or calligraphy); genuine work (of famous artist) |