HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1282nd character |
RADICAL | ⼫ (44.4) |
INDEX # | 905 |
tail, extremity; end, stern
尾 wěi |
尾 yǐ |

尾巴 wěi ba | tail; colloquial pr. [yi3 ba5] |
鸡尾酒 jī wěi jiǔ | cocktail (loanword) |
结尾 jié wěi | ending; coda; to wind up |
从头到尾 cóng tóu dào wěi | from start to finish; from head to tail; the whole (thing) |
彻头彻尾 chè tóu chè wěi | lit. from head to tail (idiom); thoroughgoing; through and through; out and out; from top to bottom |
尾声 wěi shēng | coda; epilogue; end |
阑尾 lán wěi | appendix; vermiform appendix (anatomy) |
响尾蛇 xiǎng wěi shé | rattlesnake |
尾随 wěi suí | to tail behind; to tag along; to follow on the heels of |
船尾 chuán wěi | back end of a ship; aft |
燕尾服 yàn wěi fú | swallow-tailed coat; tails |
马尾 mǎ wěi | Mawei district of Fuzhou city 福州市[Fu2 zhou1 shi4], Fujian; ponytail (hairstyle); horse's tail; slender fibers like horse's tail (applies to various plants) |
收尾 shōu wěi | to wind up; to bring to an end; to finish |
尾灯 wěi dēng | tail light (on vehicle) |
末尾 mò wěi | end; tip; extremity |
尾部 wěi bù | back part; rear or tail section |
凤尾鱼 fèng wěi yú | anchovy |
尾翼 wěi yì | empennage (of an aircraft); fletching (of an arrow); fins (of a missile, rocket etc); rear spoiler (of a car) |
阑尾炎 lán wěi yán | appendicitis (medicine) |
尾气 wěi qì | exhaust (i.e. waste gas from engine); emissions |
九尾狐 jiǔ wěi hú | nine-tailed fox (mythological creature) |
扫尾 sǎo wěi | to complete the last stage of work; to round off |
尾骨 wěi gǔ | coccyx; tailbone |
狐狸尾巴 hú li wěi ba | lit. fox's tail (idiom); visible sign of evil intentions; to reveal one's evil nature; evidence that reveals the villain |
虎头蛇尾 hǔ tóu shé wěi | lit. tiger's head, snake's tail (idiom); fig. a strong start but weak finish |