HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 2658th character |
RADICAL | ⽿ (128.4) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1818 |
indulge in; be negligent
- indulge in
- be negligent
- to indulge in
- to delay
- variant of 耽[dan1]

耽误 dān wu | to delay; to hold up; to waste time; to interfere with |
耽搁 dān ge | to tarry; to delay; to stop over |
替古人耽忧 tì gǔ rén dān yōu | to fret over the worries of long-departed people (idiom); to worry unnecessarily; crying over spilt milk; often used with negatives, e.g. no need to worry about past issues |
替古人耽憂 tì gǔ rén dān yōu | to fret over the worries of long-departed people (idiom); to worry unnecessarily; crying over spilt milk; often used with negatives, e.g. no need to worry about past issues |
耽心 dān xīn | variant of 擔心|担心[dan1 xin1] |
耽忧 dān yōu | variant of 擔憂|担忧[dan1 you1] |
耽憂 dān yōu | variant of 擔憂|担忧[dan1 you1] |
耽擱 dān ge | to tarry; to delay; to stop over |
耽溺 dān nì | to indulge in; to wallow in |
耽誤 dān wu | to delay; to hold up; to waste time; to interfere with |
耽誤時間 dān wù shí jiān | delay time; waste time |
耽误到 dān wu dào | to delay until |