
crazy, insane, mentally ill

HSK 5 #1549


疯 fēng
  • insane
  • mad
  • wild



狂 fēng kuáng crazy; frantic; extreme popularity
子 fēng zi madman; lunatic
fā fēng to go mad; to go crazy; to lose one's mind
牛病 fēng niú bìng mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)
癫癫 fēng feng diān diān deranged; erratic
癫 fēng diān insane; crazy
话 fēng huà crazy talk; ravings; nonsense
发酒 fā jiǔ fēng to get wildly drunk
卖傻 zhuāng fēng mài shǎ to play the fool (idiom); to feign madness
人来 rén lái fēng to get hyped up in front of an audience; (of children) to play up in front of guests
xià fēng to be scared senseless
ài fēng iPhone (slang)
撒酒 sā jiǔ fēng to get drunk and act crazy; roaring drunk
林来 lín lái fēng Linsanity; craze over Jeremy Lin 林書豪|林书豪[Lin2 Shu1 hao2]
犬 fēng quǎn mad dog; rabid dog
瘫 fēng tān variant of 風癱|风瘫[feng1 tan1]
羊癫 yáng diān fēng epilepsy
羊角 yáng jiǎo fēng variant of 羊角風|羊角风[yang2 jiao3 feng1]
má fēng leprosy; also written 麻風|麻风
长 fēng zhǎng to grow wildly; to grow rampantly
狗 fēng gǒu mad dog; used figuratively to describe someone behaving aggressively or wildly like a rabid dog
魔 fēng mó crazed; deranged; possessed by madness
耍酒 shuǎ jiǔ fēng to act recklessly or foolishly under the influence of alcohol; to behave in a disruptive, unruly manner when drunk
掉 méi fēng diào not go crazy; not lose one's mind
qì fēng to be driven crazy with anger
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