HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 2231st character |
RADICAL | ⼜ (29.1) |
INDEX # | 71 |
crotch; fork, prong
叉 chā |
叉 chá |
叉 chǎ |

叉子 chā zi | fork; CL:把[ba3] |
交叉 jiāo chā | to cross; to intersect; to overlap |
交叉口 jiāo chā kǒu | (road) intersection |
鱼叉 yú chā | harpoon |
劈叉 pǐ chà | the splits (move in dancing); to do the splits; Taiwan pr. [pi3 cha1] |
刀叉 dāo chā | knife and fork; CL:副[fu4] |
交叉点 jiāo chā diǎn | junction; crossroads; intersection point |
分叉 fēn chà | fork; bifurcation; to divide |
叉车 chā chē | forklift truck; CL:臺|台[tai2] |
母夜叉 mǔ yè chā | witch; shrew; vixen |
夜叉 yè chā | yaksha (malevolent spirit) (loanword); (fig.) ferocious-looking person |
叉腰 chā yāo | to put one's hands on one's hips; also written 插腰[cha1 yao1] |
音叉 yīn chā | tuning fork |
三叉戟 sān chā jǐ | trident |
三叉神经 sān chā shén jīng | trigeminal nerve |
三叉神經 sān chā shén jīng | trigeminal nerve |
二叉树 èr chā shù | binary tree |
二叉樹 èr chā shù | binary tree |
交叉学科 jiāo chā xué kē | interdisciplinary; interdisciplinary subject (in science) |
交叉學科 jiāo chā xué kē | interdisciplinary; interdisciplinary subject (in science) |
交叉火力 jiāo chā huǒ lì | crossfire |
交叉耐药性 jiāo chā nài yào xìng | cross-tolerance |
交叉耐藥性 jiāo chā nài yào xìng | cross-tolerance |
交叉运球 jiāo chā yùn qiú | crossover dribble (basketball) |
交叉運球 jiāo chā yùn qiú | crossover dribble (basketball) |