HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1167th character |
RADICAL | ⼿ (64.5) |
INDEX # | 970 |
clap, tap, beat; beat or rhythm
拍 pāi |

拍摄 pāi shè | to film; to shoot (a picture) |
拍照 pāi zhào | to take a picture |
拍卖 pāi mài | to auction; auction sale; to sell at a reduced price |
开拍 kāi pāi | to begin shooting (a movie, a scene of a movie etc); to start the bidding (auction); to start a trading session (stock market) |
拍卖会 pāi mài huì | auction; CL:場|场[chang3] |
偷拍 tōu pāi | to take a picture of a person without permission or without their knowledge |
合拍 hé pāi | in time with (i.e. same rhythm); to keep in step with; fig. to cooperate |
节拍 jié pāi | beat (music); meter |
拍马屁 pāi mǎ pì | to flatter; to fawn on; to butter sb up; toadying; boot-licking |
拍子 pāi zi | beat (music); paddle-shaped object (flyswatter etc); racket (sports) |
拍手 pāi shǒu | to clap one's hands |
拍打 pāi da | to pat; to slap; (of a bird) to flap (one's wings) |
拍戏 pāi xì | to shoot a movie |
球拍 qiú pāi | racket |
抓拍 zhuā pāi | to capture (an image); to snap (a photo) |
打拍子 dǎ pāi zi | to beat time |
拍板 pāi bǎn | clapper-board; auctioneer's hammer; to beat time with clappers |
一拍即合 yī pāi jí hé | lit. to be together from the first beat (idiom); to hit it off; to click together; to chime in easily |
苍蝇拍 cāng ying pāi | flyswatter |
拍击 pāi jī | to smack; to beat |
节拍器 jié pāi qì | metronome |
乒乓球拍 pīng pāng qiú pāi | ping-pong paddle |
拍案叫绝 pāi àn jiào jué | lit. slap the table and shout with praise (idiom); fig. wonderful!; amazing!; great! |
拍卖商 pāi mài shāng | auctioneer; auction house |
拍马 pāi mǎ | to urge on a horse by patting its bottom; fig. to encourage; same as 拍馬屁|拍马屁, to flatter or toady |