HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1573rd character |
RADICAL | ⽊ (75.5) |
INDEX # | 1750 |
soft; gentle, pliant
- soft
- gentle, pliant
- soft
- flexible
- supple
- yielding
- rho (Greek letter Ρρ)

温柔 wēn róu | gentle and soft; tender |
柔和 róu hé | gentle; soft |
柔软 róu ruǎn | soft |
柔道 róu dào | judo |
轻柔 qīng róu | soft; gentle; pliable |
柔弱 róu ruò | weak; delicate |
柔情 róu qíng | gentle feelings; tender sentiments |
优柔寡断 yōu róu guǎ duàn | indecisive; irresolute |
柔美 róu měi | gentle and beautiful |
柔顺 róu shùn | gentle and agreeable; supple; yielding |
柔韧 róu rèn | pliable and tough; supple and strong; flexible |
阴柔 yīn róu | gentle and reserved; soft; feminine |
柔嫩 róu nèn | tender; delicate (texture) |
柔情似水 róu qíng sì shuǐ | tender and soft as water; deeply attached to sb |
柔性 róu xìng | flexibility |
柔术 róu shù | jujitsu; contortion (performance art) |
以柔克刚 yǐ róu kè gāng | to use softness to conquer strength (idiom) |
怀柔 huái róu | Huairou rural district of Beijing, formerly Huairou county; to conciliate; to appease |
柔媚 róu mèi | gentle and lovely; charming |
以柔克剛 yǐ róu kè gāng | to use softness to conquer strength (idiom) |
优柔 yōu róu | gentle; carefree; indecisive; weak |
優柔 yōu róu | gentle; carefree; indecisive; weak |
優柔寡斷 yōu róu guǎ duàn | indecisive; irresolute |
刚柔并济 gāng róu bìng jì | to couple strength and gentleness (idiom) |
剛柔並濟 gāng róu bìng jì | to couple strength and gentleness (idiom) |