HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 2587th character |
RADICAL | ⾡ (162.7) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 1854 |
tempt, allure, arouse, stir
逗 dòu |

挑逗 tiǎo dòu | to provoke; to entice; to lure; to tantalize; to tease; to titillate |
逗留 dòu liú | to stay at; to stop over |
逗乐 dòu lè | to amuse oneself; to clown around; to provoke laughter |
逗号 dòu hào | comma (punct.) |
逗人 dòu rén | amusing; funny; entertaining |
逗笑 dòu xiào | to amuse; to cause to smile; amusing |
逗趣 dòu qù | to amuse; to make sb laugh; to tease |
挑逗性 tiǎo dòu xìng | provocative; tantalizing; titillating |
逗弄 dòu nòng | to tease; to provoke; to play with (a child, animal etc) |
逗哏 dòu gén | lead comic; leading role in comic dialogue 對口相聲|对口相声[dui4 kou3 xiang4 sheng1]; to joke; to play the fool; to provoke laughter |
逗引 dòu yǐn | to make fun of |
逗闷子 dòu mèn zi | (dialect) to joke |
句逗 jù dòu | punctuation of a sentence (in former times, before punctuation marks were used); period 句號|句号 and comma 逗號|逗号; sentences and phrases |
引逗 yǐn dòu | to tantalize; to lead on; to tease |
撩逗 liáo dòu | to provoke; to tease |
秀逗 xiù dòu | to short-circuit; (fig.) to have a mental lapse; to get one's wires crossed; to be addled |
逗人喜爱 dòu rén xǐ ài | cute |
逗人喜愛 dòu rén xǐ ài | cute |
逗人发笑 dòu rén fā xiào | to make people laugh |
逗人發笑 dòu rén fā xiào | to make people laugh |
逗哈哈 dòu hā hā | to joke; to crack a joke |
逗嘴 dòu zuǐ | to banter |
逗悶子 dòu mèn zi | (dialect) to joke |
逗情 dòu qíng | to flirt; to titillate; to provoke |
逗樂 dòu lè | to amuse oneself; to clown around; to provoke laughter |