HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1036th character |
RADICAL | ⾻ (188.0) |
INDEX # | 1523 |
bone; skeleton; frame, framework
骨 gǔ |

骨头 gǔ tou | bone; CL:根[gen1],塊|块[kuai4]; moral character; bitterness |
骨干 gǔ gàn | diaphysis (long segment of a bone); fig. backbone |
骨折 gǔ zhé | to suffer a fracture; (of a bone) to break; fracture |
头骨 tóu gǔ | skull |
肋骨 lèi gǔ | rib |
骨灰 gǔ huī | bone ash; ashes of the dead |
骨髓 gǔ suǐ | bone marrow (medulla ossea) |
排骨 pái gǔ | pork chop; pork cutlet; spare ribs; (coll.) skinny person |
骨骼 gǔ gé | bones; skeleton |
骨架 gǔ jià | framework; skeleton |
尸骨 shī gǔ | skeleton of the dead |
骨子里 gǔ zi lǐ | beneath the surface; fundamentally; at the deepest level |
胸骨 xiōng gǔ | sternum; breastbone |
锁骨 suǒ gǔ | collarbone; clavicle |
骨气 gǔ qì | unyielding character; courageous spirit; integrity; moral backbone |
椎骨 zhuī gǔ | vertebra |
骨肉 gǔ ròu | blood relation; kin; one's flesh and blood |
脱胎换骨 tuō tāi huàn gǔ | to shed one's mortal body and exchange one's bones (idiom); born again Daoist; to turn over a new leaf; fig. to change wholly; to create from other material (story, artwork etc) |
颧骨 quán gǔ | zygomatic bone (cheek bone) |
颅骨 lú gǔ | skull (of a dead body) |
骨盆 gǔ pén | pelvis |
恨之入骨 hèn zhī rù gǔ | to hate sb to the bone (idiom) |
粉身碎骨 fěn shēn suì gǔ | lit. torn body and crushed bones (idiom); fig. to die horribly; to sacrifice one's life |
节骨眼 jiē gu yǎn | (dialect) critical juncture; crucial moment; Taiwan pr. [jie2 gu5 yan3] |
膝盖骨 xī gài gǔ | kneecap |