HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1566th character |
RADICAL | ⼽ (62.3) |
INDEX # | 606 |
warn, caution, admonish
- warn, caution, admonish
- to guard against
- to exhort
- to admonish or warn
- to give up or stop doing sth
- Buddhist monastic discipline
- ring (for a finger)

戒指 jiè zhi | (finger) ring |
戒备 jiè bèi | to take precautions; to guard against (emergency) |
警戒 jǐng jiè | to warn; to alert; to be on the alert; to stand guard; sentinel |
戒毒 jiè dú | to kick a drug habit; to abstain from drugs |
戒酒 jiè jiǔ | to give up drinking; to abstain from drinking |
戒烟 jiè yān | to give up smoking |
戒毒所 jiè dú suǒ | drug rehabilitation center |
警戒线 jǐng jiè xiàn | police cordon; alert level |
戒律 jiè lǜ | monastic discipline; commandment |
钻戒 zuàn jiè | diamond ring; CL:隻|只[zhi1] |
戒严 jiè yán | to impose martial law; to impose emergency measures |
戒心 jiè xīn | vigilance; wariness |
惩戒 chéng jiè | to discipline; reprimand |
戒除 jiè chú | to quit; to give up (a bad habit) |
戒严令 jiè yán lìng | martial law |
斋戒 zhāi jiè | to fast |
破戒 pò jiè | to violate a religious precept; to smoke or drink after giving up |
告戒 gào jiè | variant of 告誡|告诫[gao4 jie4] |
戒条 jiè tiáo | commandment; precept |
犯戒 fàn jiè | to go against the rules (of a religious order); to break a ban (e.g. medical) |
受戒 shòu jiè | to take oaths as a monk (Buddhism); to take orders |
以示警戒 yǐ shì jǐng jiè | to serve as a warning (idiom) |
传戒 chuán jiè | (Buddhism) to initiate sb for monkhood or nunhood |
傳戒 chuán jiè | (Buddhism) to initiate sb for monkhood or nunhood |
儆戒 jǐng jiè | to warn; to admonish |