HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 469th character |
RADICAL | ⽇ (72.5) |
INDEX # | 1485 |
manifest, display; evident, clear
- manifest, display
- evident, clear
- to make visible
- to reveal
- prominent
- conspicuous
- (prefix) phanero-

显然 xiǎn rán | clear; evident; obvious(ly) |
明显 míng xiǎn | clear; distinct; obvious |
显示 xiǎn shì | to show; to illustrate; to display; to demonstrate |
显得 xiǎn de | to seem; to look; to appear |
显著 xiǎn zhù | outstanding; notable; remarkable; statistically significant |
显而易见 xiǎn ér yì jiàn | clearly and easy to see (idiom); obviously; clearly; it goes without saying |
显眼 xiǎn yǎn | conspicuous; eye-catching; glamorous |
显现 xiǎn xiàn | appearance; to appear |
显微镜 xiǎn wēi jìng | microscope; CL:臺|台[tai2] |
显露 xiǎn lù | to become visible; to reveal |
显出 xiǎn chū | to express; to exhibit |
显赫 xiǎn hè | illustrious; celebrated |
显示器 xiǎn shì qì | monitor (computer) |
显灵 xiǎn líng | (of a supernatural or divine being) to appear; to make itself manifest |
凸显 tū xiǎn | to present clearly; to give prominence to; to magnify; clear and obvious |
大显身手 dà xiǎn shēn shǒu | (idiom) fully displaying one's capabilities |
显示屏 xiǎn shì píng | display screen |
显贵 xiǎn guì | dignitary; distinguished person; royalty; nobleman; big shot |
显形 xiǎn xíng | to show one's true nature (derog.); to betray oneself |
突显 tū xiǎn | conspicuous; to make sth stand out; make sth prominent |
浅显 qiǎn xiǎn | plain; clear; obvious |
显要 xiǎn yào | prominent; eminent; important person; notable; dignitary |
显明 xiǎn míng | to reveal, make known |
显影 xiǎn yǐng | (photographic processing) to develop |
显性 xiǎn xìng | visible; conspicuous; phanero-; dominant (gene) |