HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 467th character |
RADICAL | ⾐ (145.6) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2726 |
dress, clothes, attire; fill
装 zhuāng |

假装 jiǎ zhuāng | to feign; to pretend |
服装 fú zhuāng | dress; clothing; costume; clothes; CL:身[shen1] |
装饰 zhuāng shì | to decorate; decoration; decorative; ornamental |
安装 ān zhuāng | to install; to erect; to fix; to mount; installation |
装修 zhuāng xiū | to decorate; interior decoration; to fit up; to renovate |
装备 zhuāng bèi | equipment; to equip; to outfit |
武装 wǔ zhuāng | arms; equipment; to arm; military; armed (forces) |
包装 bāo zhuāng | to pack; to package; to wrap; packaging |
装卸 zhuāng xiè | to load or unload; to transfer; to assemble and disassemble |
装置 zhuāng zhì | to install; installation; equipment; system; unit; device |
伪装 wěi zhuāng | to pretend to be (asleep etc); to disguise oneself as; pretense; disguise; (military) to camouflage; camouflage |
时装 shí zhuāng | fashion; fashionable clothes |
西装 xī zhuāng | suit; Western-style clothes; CL:套[tao4] |
装作 zhuāng zuò | to pretend; to feign; to act a part |
装满 zhuāng mǎn | to fill up |
装扮 zhuāng bàn | to decorate; to adorn; to dress up; to disguise oneself |
套装 tào zhuāng | outfit or suit (of clothes); set of coordinated items; kit |
泳装 yǒng zhuāng | swimsuit |
改装 gǎi zhuāng | to change one's costume; to repackage; to remodel; to refit; to modify; to convert |
装傻 zhuāng shǎ | to act stupid; to pretend to be naive |
集装箱 jí zhuāng xiāng | container (for shipping) |
装甲 zhuāng jiǎ | vehicle armor |
女装 nǚ zhuāng | women's clothes |
化装 huà zhuāng | (of actors) to make up; to disguise oneself |
组装 zǔ zhuāng | to assemble and install |