HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1650th character |
RADICAL | ⼼ (61.10) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2771 |
nervous, panicky, frantic
慌 huāng |

慌张 huāng zhāng | confused; flustered |
恐慌 kǒng huāng | panic; panicky; panic-stricken |
惊慌 jīng huāng | to panic; to be alarmed |
惊慌失措 jīng huāng shī cuò | to lose one's head out of fear (idiom) |
慌乱 huāng luàn | frenetic; hurried |
心慌 xīn huāng | to be flustered; (dialect) irregular heart-beat |
不慌不忙 bù huāng bù máng | calm and unhurried (idiom); composed; to take matters calmly |
心慌意乱 xīn huāng yì luàn | confused; rattled; flustered |
慌忙 huāng máng | in a great rush; in a flurry |
慌慌张张 huāng huāng zhāng zhāng | helter-skelter |
发慌 fā huāng | to become agitated; to feel nervous |
慌神 huāng shén | to get agitated; to panic |
着慌 zháo huāng | alarmed; panicking |
心慌意亂 xīn huāng yì luàn | confused; rattled; flustered |
恐慌发作 kǒng huāng fā zuò | panic attack |
恐慌發作 kǒng huāng fā zuò | panic attack |
慌亂 huāng luàn | frenetic; hurried |
慌張 huāng zhāng | confused; flustered |
慌得 huāng de | hurriedly; in a frenzy |
慌慌張張 huāng huāng zhāng zhāng | helter-skelter |
慌成一团 huāng chéng yī tuán | (of a group of people) to run about helplessly |
慌成一團 huāng chéng yī tuán | (of a group of people) to run about helplessly |
瘆得慌 shèn de huāng | frightening; frightened |
瘮得慌 shèn de huāng | frightening; frightened |
發慌 fā huāng | to become agitated; to feel nervous |