HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1433rd character |
RADICAL | ⾋ (140.13) |
STROKES | 16 |
INDEX # | 3326 |
thin, slight, weak; poor, stingy
薄 báo |
薄 bó |
薄 bò |

薄弱 bó ruò | weak; frail |
刻薄 kè bó | unkind; harsh; cutting; mean; acrimony; to embezzle by making illegal deductions |
薄饼 báo bǐng | thin flat cake; pancake; pizza |
薄荷 bò he | field mint; peppermint |
浅薄 qiǎn bó | superficial |
稀薄 xī bó | thin; rarefied |
微薄 wēi bó | scanty; meager |
单薄 dān bó | weak; frail; thin; flimsy |
如履薄冰 rú lǚ bó bīng | lit. as if walking on thin ice (idiom); fig. to be extremely cautious; to be skating on thin ice |
薄膜 bó mó | membrane; film; CL:層|层[ceng2] |
薄片 báo piàn | thin slice; thin section; flake; Taiwan pr. [bo2 pian4] |
轻薄 qīng bó | light (weight); frivolous; a philanderer; to scorn; disrespectful |
薄雾 bó wù | mist; haze |
妄自菲薄 wàng zì fěi bó | to be unduly humble (idiom); to undervalue oneself |
薄荷油 bò he yóu | peppermint oil |
薄情 bó qíng | inconstant in love; fickle |
薄脆 báo cuì | crispy; thin and brittle; a crispy fried cracker |
淡薄 dàn bó | thin; light; flagging; faint |
绵薄 mián bó | my humble effort; my meager contribution (humble) |
厚薄 hòu báo | thickness; also pr. [hou4 bo2] |
厚薄 hòu bó | to favor one and discriminate against the other (abbr. for 厚此薄彼[hou4 ci3 bo2 bi3]) |
薄暮 bó mù | dusk; twilight |
菲薄 fěi bó | humble; meager; thin; to despise |
薄礼 bó lǐ | my meager gift (humble) |
薄纸 báo zhǐ | tissue; kleenex |