HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1752nd character |
RADICAL | ⼧ (40.8) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2455 |
stop, rest, lodge, stay overnight; constellation
宿 sù |
宿 xiǔ |
宿 xiù |

宿舍 sù shè | dormitory; dorm room; living quarters; hostel; CL:間|间[jian1] |
寄宿 jì sù | to stay; to lodge; to board |
归宿 guī sù | place to return to; home; final destination; ending |
住宿 zhù sù | to stay at; lodging; accommodation |
宿主 sù zhǔ | host |
露宿 lù sù | to sleep outdoors; to spend the night in the open |
留宿 liú sù | to put up a guest; to stay overnight |
借宿 jiè sù | to stay with sb; to ask for lodging |
食宿 shí sù | board and lodging; room and board |
宿营地 sù yíng dì | camp; campsite |
宿怨 sù yuàn | an old grudge; old scores to settle |
宿营 sù yíng | to camp; to lodge |
宿敌 sù dí | old enemy |
投宿 tóu sù | to lodge; to stay (for the night) |
宿愿 sù yuàn | long-cherished wish |
宿命论 sù mìng lùn | fatalism; fatalistic |
宿舍楼 sù shè lóu | dormitory building; CL:幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4] |
寄宿生 jì sù shēng | boarder |
心宿二 xīn xiù èr | Antares, the brightest star in Scorpio 天蠍座|天蝎座[Tian1 xie1 zuo4] |
毕宿五 bì xiù wǔ | Aldebaran or Alpha Tauri |
二十八宿 èr shí bā xiù | the twenty-eight constellations |
信宿 xìn sù | (ancient) to lodge for two nights |
值宿 zhí sù | on night duty |
八宿 bā sù | Baxoi county, Tibetan: Dpa' shod rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet |
八宿县 bā sù xiàn | Baxoi county, Tibetan: Dpa' shod rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chang1 du1 di4 qu1], Tibet |