HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1311th character |
RADICAL | ⽕ (86.2) |
INDEX # | 397 |
ashes; dust; lime, mortar
- ashes
- dust
- lime, mortar
- ash
- dust
- lime
- gray
- discouraged
- dejected

灰尘 huī chén | dust |
灰心 huī xīn | to lose heart; to be discouraged |
灰色 huī sè | gray; ash gray; grizzly; pessimistic; gloomy; dispirited; ambiguous |
骨灰 gǔ huī | bone ash; ashes of the dead |
灰姑娘 huī gū niang | Cinderella; a sudden rags-to-riches celebrity |
灰烬 huī jìn | ashes |
烟灰缸 yān huī gāng | ashtray |
灰暗 huī àn | dull gray; drab; murky |
灰飞烟灭 huī fēi yān miè | lit. scattered ashes and dispersed smoke (idiom); fig. to be annihilated; to vanish in a puff of smoke |
烟灰 yān huī | cigarette ash |
骨灰盒 gǔ huī hé | box for bone ashes; funerary casket |
大灰狼 dà huī láng | big bad wolf |
石灰 shí huī | lime (calcium oxide) |
灰心丧气 huī xīn sàng qì | downhearted; downcast; in despair |
炮灰 pào huī | cannon fodder |
心灰意冷 xīn huī yì lěng | discouraged; downhearted |
石灰石 shí huī shí | limestone |
灰溜溜 huī liū liū | dull gray; gloomy; dejected; crestfallen; with one's tail between one's legs |
灰白 huī bái | colored; ash-colored |
死灰复燃 sǐ huī fù rán | lit. ashes burn once more (idiom); fig. sb lost returns to have influence; sth malevolent returns to haunt one |
煤灰 méi huī | soot |
火山灰 huǒ shān huī | volcanic ash |
万念俱灰 wàn niàn jù huī | every hope turns to dust (idiom); completely disheartened |
灰土 huī tǔ | Spodosols (Chinese Soil Taxonomy); dust |
深灰色 shēn huī sè | dark gray |