HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 743rd character |
RADICAL | ⾁ (130.5) |
INDEX # | 1594 |
victory; excel, be better than
胜 shèng |

胜利 shèng lì | victory; CL:個|个[ge4] |
名胜古迹 míng shèng gǔ jì | historical sites and scenic spots |
胜负 shèng fù | victory or defeat; the outcome of a battle |
优胜劣汰 yōu shèng liè tài | survival of the fittest (idiom) |
获胜 huò shèng | victorious; to win; to triumph |
战胜 zhàn shèng | to prevail over; to defeat; to surmount |
胜过 shèng guò | to excel; to surpass |
胜任 shèng rèn | qualified; competent (professionally); to be up to a task |
胜利者 shèng lì zhě | victor; winner |
取胜 qǔ shèng | to score a victory; to prevail over one's opponents |
胜算 shèng suàn | odds of success; stratagem that ensures success; to be sure of success |
必胜 bì shèng | to be certain of victory; to be bound to prevail |
胜地 shèng dì | well-known scenic spot |
胜诉 shèng sù | to win a court case |
决胜 jué shèng | to determine victory; to obtain victory |
战无不胜 zhàn wú bù shèng | to triumph in every battle (idiom); invincible; to succeed in every undertaking |
引人入胜 yǐn rén rù shèng | to enchant; fascinating |
得胜 dé shèng | to triumph over an opponent |
胜仗 shèng zhàng | victory; victorious battle |
稳操胜券 wěn cāo shèng quàn | grasp it and victory is assured; to have success within one's grasp (idiom) |
不胜 bù shèng | cannot bear or stand; be unequal to; very; extremely |
优胜 yōu shèng | winning; superior |
好胜 hào shèng | eager to win; competitive; aggressive |
数不胜数 shǔ bù shèng shǔ | too many to count (idiom); innumerable |
反败为胜 fǎn bài wéi shèng | to turn defeat into victory (idiom); to turn the tide |