HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 788th character |
RADICAL | ⾩ (170.4) |
INDEX # | 571 |
column, row or file of troops
- column, row or file of troops
- disposition of troops
- wave
- spate
- burst
- spell
- short period of time
- classifier for events or states of short duration

阵地 zhèn dì | position; front |
阵容 zhèn róng | troop arrangement; battle formation; lineup (of a sports team etc) |
一阵子 yī zhèn zi | a while; a spell; a short time; a burst |
一阵 yī zhèn | a burst; a fit; a peal; a spell (period of time) |
阵营 zhèn yíng | group of people; camp; faction; sides in a dispute |
阵子 zhèn zi | period of time |
阵亡 zhèn wáng | to die in battle |
上阵 shàng zhèn | to go into battle |
对阵 duì zhèn | poised for battle; to square up for a fight |
阵线 zhèn xiàn | a front (militant group); line of battle; alignment (towards a political party etc) |
矩阵 jǔ zhèn | array; matrix (math.) |
阵痛 zhèn tòng | labor pains |
阵风 zhèn fēng | gust |
助阵 zhù zhèn | to cheer; to root for |
阵雨 zhèn yǔ | shower |
阵列 zhèn liè | (computing) array (data structure); (hardware) array (photovoltaic cells, radio telescopes etc) |
方阵 fāng zhèn | square-shaped formation (military); phalanx; (math.) matrix |
冲锋陷阵 chōng fēng xiàn zhèn | to charge and break through enemy lines |
阵势 zhèn shì | battle array; disposition of forces; situation; circumstance |
那阵子 nà zhèn zi | at that time; then |
巨石阵 jù shí zhèn | giant stone arrangement; Stonehenge |
败阵 bài zhèn | to be defeated on the battlefield; to be beaten in a contest |
赤膊上阵 chì bó shàng zhèn | lit. to go into battle bare-breasted (idiom); fig. to go all out; to come out in the open |
敌阵 dí zhèn | the enemy ranks |
雷阵雨 léi zhèn yǔ | thunder shower |