
column, row or file of troops


  • column, row or file of troops
  • disposition of troops
  • wave
  • spate
  • burst
  • spell
  • short period of time
  • classifier for events or states of short duration


一小兒 yī xiǎo zhèn r very brief period of time
yī zhèn a burst; a fit; a peal; a spell (period of time)
子 yī zhèn zi a while; a spell; a short time; a burst
shàng zhèn to go into battle
殺敵 shàng zhèn shā dí to go into battle; to strike at the enemy
串行點打印機 chuàn xíng diǎn zhèn dǎ yìn jī serial dot matrix printer
人民線 rén mín zhèn xiàn popular front
伴矩 bàn jǔ zhèn adjoint matrix (math.)
八卦 bā guà zhèn eight-trigram battle array; (fig.) mystifying tactics
zhù zhèn to cheer; to root for
半導體超點 bàn dǎo tǐ chāo diǎn zhèn semiconductor superlattice
jiào zhèn to challenge an opponent to a fight
yā zhèn to bring up the rear; to provide support; to hold the lines
duì zhèn poised for battle; to square up for a fight
巨石 jù shí zhèn giant stone arrangement; Stonehenge
擺龍門 bǎi lóng mén zhèn chat; gossip; spin a yarn
bài zhèn to be defeated on the battlefield; to be beaten in a contest
dí zhèn the enemy ranks
fāng zhèn square-shaped formation (military); phalanx; (math.) matrix
桑地諾民族解放線 sāng dì nuò mín zú jiě fàng zhèn xiàn Sandinista National Liberation Front
演員容 yǎn yuán zhèn róng cast (of a movie etc); lineup of performers; troupe
煙花 yān huā zhèn brothel (esp. in Yuan theater)
球柵列封裝 qiú shān zhèn liè fēng zhuāng ball grid array (BGA), type of microchip package
yí zhèn a diversion; a feint attack to mislead the enemy
jǔ zhèn array; matrix (math.)
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