HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1267th character |
RADICAL | ⾨ (169.3) |
INDEX # | 527 |
shut, close; obstruct, block up
- shut, close
- obstruct, block up
- to close
- to stop up
- to shut
- to obstruct

关闭 guān bì | to close; to shut |
封闭 fēng bì | to seal; to close; to confine; to seal off; to close down; sealed; confined; closed; unreceptive |
倒闭 dǎo bì | to go bankrupt; to close down |
闭塞 bì sè | to stop up; to close up; hard to get to; out of the way; inaccessible; unenlightened; blocking |
关禁闭 guān jìn bì | to put in detention (a soldier, a pupil) |
闭路电视 bì lù diàn shì | closed-circuit television |
闭合 bì hé | to close by coming together (like the lips of a wound, the doors of an elevator, the walls of a channel); to close by connecting in a loop (like a circuit); closed-loop |
密闭 mì bì | sealed; airtight |
闭关 bì guān | to close the passes; to seal off the country; seclusion (monastic practice, e.g. of Chan Buddhists) |
闭门羹 bì mén gēng | see 吃閉門羹|吃闭门羹[chi1 bi4 men2 geng1] |
闭幕 bì mù | the curtain falls; lower the curtain; to come to an end (of a meeting) |
闭幕式 bì mù shì | closing ceremony |
吃闭门羹 chī bì mén gēng | to be refused entrance (idiom); to find the door closed |
夜不闭户 yè bù bì hù | lit. doors not locked at night (idiom); fig. stable society |
闭会 bì huì | close a meeting |
封闭性 fēng bì xìng | encapsulation |
闭月羞花 bì yuè xiū huā | lit. hiding the moon, shaming the flowers (idiom); fig. female beauty exceeding even that of the natural world |
闭门思过 bì mén sī guò | shut oneself up and ponder over one's mistakes |
闭关自守 bì guān zì shǒu | close the country to international intercourse |
闭关锁国 bì guān suǒ guó | to close the passes and seal off the country; to close a country to exclude foreign contact |
便闭 biàn bì | see 便秘[bian4 mi4] |
密闭式循环再呼吸水肺系统 mì bì shì xún huán zài hū xī shuǐ fèi xì tǒng | closed-circuit rebreather scuba (diving) |
密闭舱 mì bì cāng | sealed cabin |
密闭货舱 mì bì huò cāng | sealed cabin |
密闭门 mì bì mén | airtight door |