HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 2262nd character |
RADICAL | ⼚ (27.7) |
INDEX # | 1448 |
manage, control; thousandth part of tael
厘 lí |

厘米 lí mǐ | centimeter |
巴厘岛 bā lí dǎo | Bali (island in Indonesia) |
公厘 gōng lí | millimeter |
厘金 lí jīn | a form of transit taxation in China introduced to finance armies to suppress the Taiping Rebellion |
失之毫厘,谬以千里 shī zhī háo lí , miù yǐ qiān lǐ | a tiny lapse can lead to a huge mistake (idiom); a minor discrepancy leading to enormous losses |
失之毫厘,謬以千里 shī zhī háo lí , miù yǐ qiān lǐ | a tiny lapse can lead to a huge mistake (idiom); a minor discrepancy leading to enormous losses |
失之毫厘,差之千里 shī zhī háo lí , chà zhī qiān lǐ | a tiny lapse can lead to a huge mistake (idiom); a minor discrepancy leading to enormous losses |
失之毫厘,差以千里 shī zhī háo lí , chà yǐ qiān lǐ | a tiny lapse can lead to a huge mistake (idiom); a minor discrepancy leading to enormous losses |
差之毫厘,失之千里 chā zhī háo lí , shī zhī qiān lǐ | the slightest difference leads to a huge loss (idiom); a miss is as good as a mile |
差之毫厘,谬以千里 chā zhī háo lí , miù yǐ qiān lǐ | the slightest difference leads to a huge error (idiom); a miss is as good as a mile |
巴厘 bā lí | Bali (island province of Indonesia) |
巴厘島 bā lí dǎo | Bali (island in Indonesia) |
市厘 shì lí | li (Chinese unit of length equal to ⅓ millimeter) |
析毫剖厘 xī háo pōu lí | to analyze in the finest detail |
梳乎厘 shū hū lí | soufflé (loanword) |
梳芙厘 shū fú lí | soufflé (loanword) |
毫厘不爽 háo lí bù shuǎng | not to deviate an iota (idiom); to be extremely accurate |
无厘头 wú lí tóu | silly talk or "mo lei tau" (Cantonese), genre of humor emerging from Hong Kong late in the 20th century |
無厘頭 wú lí tóu | silly talk or "mo lei tau" (Cantonese), genre of humor emerging from Hong Kong late in the 20th century |
立方厘米 lì fāng lí mǐ | cubic centimeter |
车厘子 chē lí zi | (American) cherry (loanword) |
厘克 lí kè | centigram |
厘升 lí shēng | centiliter |
厘析 lí xī | to analyze in detail |
厘清 lí qīng | to clarify (the facts); clarification |