lái tāi lài

manage, control; thousandth part of tael


釐 lí
  • variant of 釐|厘[li2]
  • Li (c. 2000 BC), sixth of the legendary Flame Emperors 炎帝[Yan2 di4] descended from Shennong 神農|神农[Shen2 nong2] Farmer God, also known as Ai 哀[Ai1]
  • one hundredth
  • centi-


gōng lí millimeter
失之毫,差之千里 shī zhī háo lí , chà zhī qiān lǐ a tiny lapse can lead to a huge mistake (idiom); a minor discrepancy leading to enormous losses
失之毫,差以千里 shī zhī háo lí , chà yǐ qiān lǐ a tiny lapse can lead to a huge mistake (idiom); a minor discrepancy leading to enormous losses
差之毫,失之千里 chā zhī háo lí , shī zhī qiān lǐ the slightest difference leads to a huge loss (idiom); a miss is as good as a mile
差之毫,謬以千里 chā zhī háo lí , miù yǐ qiān lǐ the slightest difference leads to a huge error (idiom); a miss is as good as a mile
析毫剖 xī háo pōu lí to analyze in the finest detail
不爽 háo lí bù shuǎng not to deviate an iota (idiom); to be extremely accurate
立方米 lì fāng lí mǐ cubic centimeter
子 chē lí zi (American) cherry (loanword)
克 lí kè centigram
升 lí shēng centiliter
析 lí xī to analyze in detail
清 lí qīng to clarify (the facts); clarification
米 lí mǐ centimeter
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