HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 3004th character |
RADICAL | ⽊ (75.7) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2313 |
pear; opera; cut, slash
- pear
- opera
- cut, slash
- pear
- CL:個|个[ge4]

雪梨 xuě lí | Sydney, capital of New South Wales, Australia (Tw); snow pear (pyrus nivalis) |
梨子 lí zi | pear; CL:個|个[ge4] |
凤梨 fèng lí | pineapple |
梨树 lí shù | Lishu county in Siping 四平, Jilin; Lishu district of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西[Ji1 xi1], Heilongjiang; pear tree |
士多啤梨 shì duō pí lí | strawberry (loanword) |
南美梨 nán měi lí | avocado (Persea americana) |
孔融让梨 kǒng róng ràng lí | Kong Rong giving up pears, classic moral story about Kong Rong 孔融[Kong3 Rong2] picking up smaller pears while leaving the bigger ones to his older brothers, still used nowadays to educate the young on courtesy and modesty |
孔融讓梨 kǒng róng ràng lí | Kong Rong giving up pears, classic moral story about Kong Rong 孔融[Kong3 Rong2] picking up smaller pears while leaving the bigger ones to his older brothers, still used nowadays to educate the young on courtesy and modesty |
山梨 shān lí | rowan or mountain-ash (genus Sorbus) |
山梨县 shān lí xiàn | Yamanashi prefecture, Japan |
山梨縣 shān lí xiàn | Yamanashi prefecture, Japan |
山梨酸钾 shān lí suān jiǎ | potassium sorbate, E202 (a food preservative) |
山梨酸鉀 shān lí suān jiǎ | potassium sorbate, E202 (a food preservative) |
山梨醇 shān lí chún | sorbitol C6H14O6 (sugar substitute and mild laxative) |
杜梨 dù lí | birchleaved pear (Pyrus betulaefolia) |
梨俱吠陀 lí jù fèi tuó | Rigveda, Indian religious poem |
梨园子弟 lí yuán zǐ dì | Chinese opera performers |
梨園子弟 lí yuán zǐ dì | Chinese opera performers |
梨属 lí shǔ | Pyrus, tree genus containing pears |
梨屬 lí shǔ | Pyrus, tree genus containing pears |
梨果 lí guǒ | pome |
梨樹 lí shù | Lishu county in Siping 四平, Jilin; Lishu district of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西[Ji1 xi1], Heilongjiang; pear tree |
梨树区 lí shù qū | Lishu district of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西[Ji1 xi1], Heilongjiang |
梨樹區 lí shù qū | Lishu district of Jixi city 雞西|鸡西[Ji1 xi1], Heilongjiang |
梨树县 lí shù xiàn | Lishu county in Siping 四平, Jilin |