HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 880th character |
RADICAL | ⽲ (115.6) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2316 |
change place, shift; move about
移 yí |

移动 yí dòng | to move; movement; migration; mobile; portable |
移民 yí mín | to immigrate; to migrate; emigrant; immigrant |
转移 zhuǎn yí | to shift; to divert or distract (attention etc); to change; to transform; metastasis (medicine); to evacuate (people) |
潜移默化 qián yí mò huà | imperceptible influence; to influence secretly |
移植 yí zhí | to transplant |
移民局 yí mín jú | immigration office |
移交 yí jiāo | to transfer; to hand over |
漂移 piāo yí | to drift |
移居 yí jū | to migrate; to move to a new place of residence |
迁移 qiān yí | to migrate; to move |
推移 tuī yí | (of time) to elapse or pass; (of a situation) to develop or evolve |
坚定不移 jiān dìng bù yí | unswerving; unflinching |
移送 yí sòng | to transfer (a case, a person, files etc) |
移位 yí wèi | to shift; shift; translocation; displacement; (medicine) dislocation |
偏移 piān yí | displacement; deviation; offset |
位移 wèi yí | displacement (vector) |
平移 píng yí | translation (geometry) |
游移 yóu yí | to wander; to shift around; to waver; to vacillate |
飘移 piāo yí | to drift |
愚公移山 yú gōng yí shān | the old man moves mountains (idiom); fig. where there's a will, there's a way |
移栽 yí zāi | to transplant (horticulture, agriculture) |
移师 yí shī | to move troops to; (fig.) to move to; to shift to |
移花接木 yí huā jiē mù | lit. to graft flowers onto a tree; to surreptitiously substitute one thing for another (idiom) |
不移 bù yí | steadfast; inalienable |
中国移动通信 zhōng guó yí dòng tōng xìn | China Mobile (PRC state telecommunications company) |