HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1000th character |
RADICAL | ⾴ (181.2) |
INDEX # | 971 |
top, summit, peak; to carry on the head
- top, summit, peak
- to carry on the head
- apex
- crown of the head
- top
- roof
- most
- to carry on the head
- to push to the top
- to go against
- to replace
- to substitute
- to be subjected to (an aerial bombing, hailstorm etc)
- (slang) to "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile
- classifier for headwear, hats, veils etc

屋顶 wū dǐng | roof; CL:個|个[ge4] |
顶级 dǐng jí | top-notch; first-rate |
顶尖 dǐng jiān | peak; apex; world best; number one; finest (competitors); top (figures in a certain field) |
房顶 fáng dǐng | housetop; roof |
透顶 tòu dǐng | out-and-out; thoroughly |
楼顶 lóu dǐng | top of a building |
山顶 shān dǐng | hilltop |
头顶 tóu dǐng | top of the head |
顶楼 dǐng lóu | top floor; attic; loft; garret; penthouse; (flat) rooftop (often used as an outdoor living area etc) |
顶端 dǐng duān | summit; peak |
顶层 dǐng céng | top floor; the top of a building |
顶住 dǐng zhù | to withstand; to stand up to |
顶嘴 dǐng zuǐ | to talk back; to answer back |
顶峰 dǐng fēng | peak; summit; fig. high point; masterpiece |
顶替 dǐng tì | to replace |
顶多 dǐng duō | at most; at best |
秃顶 tū dǐng | bald head |
车顶 chē dǐng | car roof |
顶部 dǐng bù | roof; topmost part; top (of tree, wall etc); apex |
尖顶 jiān dǐng | pointed object; cusp; pinnacle; steeple |
顶撞 dǐng zhuàng | to contradict (elders or superiors) |
顶点 dǐng diǎn | summit; peak; (math.) vertex |
圆顶 yuán dǐng | dome |
冒名顶替 mào míng dǐng tì | to assume sb's name and take his place (idiom); to impersonate; to pose under a false name |
顶棚 dǐng péng | ceiling; awning (under ceiling) |