HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1284th character |
RADICAL | ⼈ (9.9) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2330 |
to steal, burglar, thief
- to steal, burglar, thief
- to steal
- to pilfer
- to snatch
- thief
- stealthily

偷偷 tōu tōu | stealthily; secretly; covertly; furtively; on the sly |
小偷 xiǎo tōu | thief |
偷窃 tōu qiè | to steal; to pilfer |
偷情 tōu qíng | to carry on a clandestine love affair |
偷看 tōu kàn | to peep; to peek; to steal a glance |
偷听 tōu tīng | to eavesdrop; to monitor (secretly) |
偷窥 tōu kuī | to peep; to peek; to act as voyeur |
偷偷摸摸 tōu tōu mō mō | surreptitious; sneaky |
偷袭 tōu xí | to mount a sneak attack; to raid |
偷拍 tōu pāi | to take a picture of a person without permission or without their knowledge |
偷懒 tōu lǎn | to goof off; to be lazy |
偷盗 tōu dào | to steal |
偷渡 tōu dù | illegal immigration; to stowaway (on a ship); to steal across the international border; to run a blockade |
偷运 tōu yùn | to smuggle |
偷生 tōu shēng | to live without purpose |
偷猎 tōu liè | to poach |
偷工减料 tōu gōng jiǎn liào | to skimp on the job and stint on materials (idiom); jerry-building; sloppy work |
偷渡者 tōu dù zhě | smuggled illegal alien; stowaway |
偷税 tōu shuì | tax evasion |
偷猎者 tōu liè zhě | poacher |
偷梁换柱 tōu liáng huàn zhù | lit. to steal a rafter and replace it with a column; to replace the original with a fake; to perpetrate a fraud (idiom) |
偷闲 tōu xián | to snatch a moment of leisure; to take a break from work; also written 偷閒|偷闲[tou1 xian2] |
偷安 tōu ān | to shirk responsibility; thoughtless pleasure-seeking |
偷空 tōu kòng | to take some time out; to make use of a spare moment |
惯偷 guàn tōu | habitual thief |