HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1314th character |
RADICAL | ⽟ (96.5) |
INDEX # | 1358 |
precious, valuable, rare
- precious, valuable, rare
- precious thing
- treasure
- culinary delicacy
- rare
- valuable
- to value highly
- variant of 珍[zhen1]

珍惜 zhēn xī | to treasure; to value; to cherish |
珍贵 zhēn guì | precious |
珍珠 zhēn zhū | pearl; CL:顆|颗[ke1] |
珍稀 zhēn xī | rare; precious and uncommon |
珍爱 zhēn ài | to cherish |
珍宝 zhēn bǎo | a treasure |
珍藏 zhēn cáng | collection; to collect (valuables) |
珍视 zhēn shì | to place great importance on; to treasure |
珍珠港 zhēn zhū gǎng | Pearl Harbor (Hawaii) |
珍品 zhēn pǐn | valuable object; curio |
袖珍 xiù zhēn | pocket-sized; pocket (book etc) |
珍奇 zhēn qí | rare; strange |
珍重 zhēn zhòng | precious; extremely valuable; (honorific) Please take good care of yourself! |
弥足珍贵 mí zú zhēn guì | extremely precious; valuable |
山珍海味 shān zhēn hǎi wèi | exotic delicacies; luxury foodstuff from distant locations |
维珍 wéi zhēn | Virgin (company) |
如数家珍 rú shǔ jiā zhēn | lit. as if enumerating one's family valuables (idiom); fig. to be very familiar with a matter |
珍异 zhēn yì | rare; precious and odd |
奇珍 qí zhēn | a rare treasure; sth priceless and unique |
永珍 yǒng zhēn | Vientiane, capital of Laos (Tw) |
珍闻 zhēn wén | oddity; news tidbits; strange and interesting item |
倪桂珍 ní guì zhēn | Ni Guizhen or Ni Kwei-Tseng (1869 - 1931), mother of Song Ailing 宋藹齡|宋蔼龄[Song4 Ai3 ling2], Song Qingling 宋慶齡|宋庆龄[Song4 Qing4 ling2] and Song Meiling 宋美齡|宋美龄[Song4 Mei3 ling2] |
八珍汤 bā zhēn tāng | eight-treasure decoction, tonic formula used in Chinese medicine |
八珍湯 bā zhēn tāng | eight-treasure decoction, tonic formula used in Chinese medicine |
善自珍摄 shàn zì zhēn shè | take good care of yourself! (idiom) |