HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 2582nd character |
RADICAL | ⽕ (86.8) |
STROKES | 12 |
INDEX # | 2529 |
- cook
- variant of 煮[zhu3]
- to cook
- to boil

煮饭 zhǔ fàn | to cook |
煮沸 zhǔ fèi | to boil |
家庭煮夫 jiā tíng zhǔ fū | househusband |
快煮壶 kuài zhǔ hú | electric kettle (Tw) |
快煮壺 kuài zhǔ hú | electric kettle (Tw) |
水煮蛋 shuǐ zhǔ dàn | boiled egg; soft-boiled egg |
水煮鱼 shuǐ zhǔ yú | Sichuan poached sliced fish in hot chili oil |
水煮魚 shuǐ zhǔ yú | Sichuan poached sliced fish in hot chili oil |
烹煮 pēng zhǔ | to cook; to boil |
焚琴煮鹤 fén qín zhǔ hè | lit. to burn zithers and cook cranes; fig. to waste valuable resources; to destroy wantonly beautiful things |
焚琴煮鶴 fén qín zhǔ hè | lit. to burn zithers and cook cranes; fig. to waste valuable resources; to destroy wantonly beautiful things |
煮法 zhǔ fǎ | cooking method |
煮熟 zhǔ shóu | to boil thoroughly; to cook thoroughly |
煮熟的鸭子飞了 zhǔ shú de yā zi fēi le | the cooked duck flew away (proverb); (fig.) to let a sure thing slip through one's fingers |
煮熟的鴨子飛了 zhǔ shú de yā zi fēi le | the cooked duck flew away (proverb); (fig.) to let a sure thing slip through one's fingers |
煮硬 zhǔ yìng | to hard-boil (eggs) |
煮蛋 zhǔ dàn | boiled egg |
煮蛋计时器 zhǔ dàn jì shí qì | egg timer |
煮蛋計時器 zhǔ dàn jì shí qì | egg timer |
煮豆燃萁 zhǔ dòu rán qí | burning beanstalks to cook the beans (idiom); to cause internecine strife |
煮锅 zhǔ guō | cooking pot |
煮鍋 zhǔ guō | cooking pot |
煮开 zhǔ kāi | to boil (food) |
煮開 zhǔ kāi | to boil (food) |
煮飯 zhǔ fàn | to cook |