HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 872nd character |
RADICAL | ⽁ (66.7) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2232 |
save, rescue, relieve; help, aid
救 jiù |

救护车 jiù hù chē | ambulance; CL:輛|辆[liang4] |
挽救 wǎn jiù | to save; to remedy; to rescue |
补救 bǔ jiù | to remedy |
救济 jiù jì | emergency relief; to help the needy with cash or goods |
抢救 qiǎng jiù | to rescue |
拯救 zhěng jiù | to save; to rescue |
救命 jiù mìng | to save sb's life; (interj.) Help!; Save me! |
救援 jiù yuán | to save; to support; to help; to assist |
急救 jí jiù | first aid; emergency treatment |
求救 qiú jiù | to cry for help |
解救 jiě jiù | to rescue; to help out of difficulties; to save the situation |
救世主 jiù shì zhǔ | the Savior (in Christianity) |
营救 yíng jiù | to rescue |
救助 jiù zhù | to help sb in trouble; aid; assistance |
救生员 jiù shēng yuán | lifeguard |
救护 jiù hù | to rescue; to administer first aid |
救活 jiù huó | to bring back to life |
得救 dé jiù | to be saved |
获救 huò jiù | to rescue; to be rescued |
救火 jiù huǒ | to put out a fire; firefighting |
救星 jiù xīng | savior; liberator; emancipator; knight in shining armor |
救生 jiù shēng | to save a life; life-saving |
呼救 hū jiù | to call for help |
救治 jiù zhì | to provide critical care (to a patient or a diseased plant) |
救生艇 jiù shēng tǐng | lifeboat |