
save, rescue, relieve; help, aid

HSK 5 #872


救 jiù
  • variant of 救[jiu4]
  • to save
  • to assist
  • to rescue


救 stroke order diagram
救 stroke order animation


生衣 jiù shēng yī life jacket; life vest
yuán jiù to come to the aid of; to save; to rescue from danger; to relieve
死扶伤 jiù sǐ fú shāng to help the dying and heal the injured
箱 jí jiù xiāng first-aid kit
dā jiù to rescue
pū jiù firefighting; to extinguish a fire and save life and property; to dive (of goalkeeper in soccer)
生船 jiù shēng chuán lifeboat
生圈 jiù shēng quān life buoy; life belt; (jocularly) flab; spare tire
生筏 jiù shēng fá a life raft
治病人 zhì bìng jiù rén to treat the disease to save the patient; to criticize a person in order to help him
灾 jiù zāi to relieve disaster; to help disaster victims
难 jiù nán to rescue; rescue (operation, workers)
站 jí jiù zhàn emergency desk; first aid office
舍己人 shě jǐ jiù rén to abandon self for others (idiom); to sacrifice oneself to help the people; altruism
济粮 jiù jì liáng relief grain; emergency provisions
不可药 bù kě jiù yào incurable; incorrigible; beyond cure; hopeless
不可藥 bù kě jiù yào incurable; incorrigible; beyond cure; hopeless
人道援 rén dào jiù yuán humanitarian aid
围魏赵 wéi wèi jiù zhào lit. to besiege 魏[Wei4] and rescue 趙|赵[Zhao4] (idiom); fig. to relieve a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers
圍魏趙 wéi wèi jiù zhào lit. to besiege 魏[Wei4] and rescue 趙|赵[Zhao4] (idiom); fig. to relieve a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers
从井人 cóng jǐng jiù rén to jump into a well to rescue sb else (idiom); fig. to help others at the risk to oneself
從井人 cóng jǐng jiù rén to jump into a well to rescue sb else (idiom); fig. to help others at the risk to oneself
抗日亡团体 kàng rì jiù wáng tuán tǐ Save the Nation anti-Japanese organization
抗日亡團體 kàng rì jiù wáng tuán tǐ Save the Nation anti-Japanese organization
抗日亡运动 kàng rì jiù wáng yùn dòng the Save the Nation Anti-Japanese Protest Movement stemming from the Manchurian railway incident of 18th July 1931 九一八事變|九一八事变