HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1118th character |
RADICAL | ⽷ (120.6) |
INDEX # | 1761 |
enmesh, wrap around; web, net
络 luò |
络 lào |

网络 wǎng luò | Internet; network (computing, telecommunications, transport etc) |
联络 lián luò | to get in touch with; to contact; to stay in contact (with); liaison; (math.) connection |
络绎不绝 luò yì bù jué | continuously; in an endless stream (idiom) |
联络官 lián luò guān | liaison officer |
络腮胡子 luò sāi hú zi | full beard |
笼络 lǒng luò | to coax; to beguile; to win over |
热络 rè luò | intimate; friendly; warm; active; lively (interaction, participation etc) |
经络 jīng luò | energy channels; meridian (TCM); (dialect) trick; tactic |
脉络 mài luò | arteries and veins; network of blood vessels; vascular system (of a plant or animal); (fig.) fabric (i.e. underlying structure, as in "social fabric"); overall context |
筋络 jīn luò | tendons and muscles |
中央人民政府驻香港特别行政区联络办公室 zhōng yāng rén mín zhèng fǔ zhù xiāng gǎng tè bié xíng zhèng qū lián luò bàn gōng shì | Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region |
主干网络 zhǔ gàn wǎng luò | core network |
互联网络 hù lián wǎng luò | network |
交换以太网络 jiāo huàn yǐ tài wǎng luò | switched Ethernet |
以太网络 yǐ tài wǎng luò | Ethernet |
以太网络端口 yǐ tài wǎng luò duān kǒu | Ethernet port |
僵尸网络 jiāng shī wǎng luò | botnet; zombie network; slave network (used by spammers) |
分布式网络 fēn bù shì wǎng luò | distributed network |
分销网络 fēn xiāo wǎng luò | distribution network |
区域网络 qū yù wǎng luò | local area network; LAN |
口络 kǒu luò | muzzle (over a dog's mouth) |
吸引子网络 xī yǐn zǐ wǎng luò | attractor network |
国际互联网络 guó jì hù lián wǎng luò | Internet |
国际网络 guó jì wǎng luò | global network; Internet |
对外联络部 duì wài lián luò bù | CCP central committee's external affairs department (i.e. Chinese communist party's foreign office) |