admit, take, receive, accept

HSK 5 #684


  • admit, take, receive, accept
  • surname Na
  • to receive
  • to accept
  • to enjoy
  • to bring into
  • to pay (tax etc)
  • nano- (one billionth)
  • to reinforce sole of shoes or stockings by close sewing


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guī nà to sum up; to summarize; to conclude from facts; induction (method of deduction in logic)
cǎi nà to accept; to adopt
róng nà to hold; to contain; to accommodate; to tolerate (different opinions)
jiǎo nà to pay (taxes etc)
闷儿 nà mèn r erhua variant of 納悶|纳闷[na4 men4]
粹 nà cuì Nazi (loanword)
米 nà mǐ nanometer
森 qiáo nà sēn Jonathan (name)
维也 wéi yě nà Vienna, capital of Austria
jiē nà to admit (to membership)
印第安 yìn dì ān nà Indiana, US state
税人 nà shuì rén taxpayer
斯 wéi nà sī Venus (mythology, Roman goddess of love)
西 nà xī Nakhi (ethnic group)
税 nà shuì to pay taxes
德 táng nà dé Donald (name)
尔逊 nà ěr xùn Horatio Nelson (1758-1805), British naval hero
闷 nà mèn puzzled; bewildered
西州 tián nà xī zhōu Tennessee
什维尔 nà shí wéi ěr Nashville, capital of Tennessee
入 nà rù to bring into; to channel into; to integrate into; to incorporate
阿森 ā sēn nà Arsenal Football Club
chū nà cashier; to receive and hand over payment; to lend and borrow books
jiá nà Cannes (France)
jiā nà Ghana
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