HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 684th character |
RADICAL | ⽷ (120.4) |
INDEX # | 934 |
admit, take, receive, accept
- admit, take, receive, accept
- surname Na
- to receive
- to accept
- to enjoy
- to bring into
- to pay (tax etc)
- nano- (one billionth)
- to reinforce sole of shoes or stockings by close sewing

归纳 guī nà | to sum up; to summarize; to conclude from facts; induction (method of deduction in logic) |
采纳 cǎi nà | to accept; to adopt |
容纳 róng nà | to hold; to contain; to accommodate; to tolerate (different opinions) |
缴纳 jiǎo nà | to pay (taxes etc) |
纳闷儿 nà mèn r | erhua variant of 納悶|纳闷[na4 men4] |
纳粹 nà cuì | Nazi (loanword) |
纳米 nà mǐ | nanometer |
乔纳森 qiáo nà sēn | Jonathan (name) |
维也纳 wéi yě nà | Vienna, capital of Austria |
接纳 jiē nà | to admit (to membership) |
印第安纳 yìn dì ān nà | Indiana, US state |
纳税人 nà shuì rén | taxpayer |
维纳斯 wéi nà sī | Venus (mythology, Roman goddess of love) |
纳西 nà xī | Nakhi (ethnic group) |
纳税 nà shuì | to pay taxes |
唐纳德 táng nà dé | Donald (name) |
纳尔逊 nà ěr xùn | Horatio Nelson (1758-1805), British naval hero |
纳闷 nà mèn | puzzled; bewildered |
田纳西州 tián nà xī zhōu | Tennessee |
纳什维尔 nà shí wéi ěr | Nashville, capital of Tennessee |
纳入 nà rù | to bring into; to channel into; to integrate into; to incorporate |
阿森纳 ā sēn nà | Arsenal Football Club |
出纳 chū nà | cashier; to receive and hand over payment; to lend and borrow books |
戛纳 jiá nà | Cannes (France) |
加纳 jiā nà | Ghana |