
prudent, cautious; attentive

HSK 5 #1917


  • prudent, cautious
  • attentive
  • cautious
  • careful
  • solemnly
  • sincerely (formal)



慎 jǐn shèn cautious; prudent
小心慎 xiǎo xīn jǐn shèn cautious and timid (idiom); prudent; careful
yán jǐn rigorous; strict; careful; cautious; compact; well-knit
jū jǐn reserved; overcautious
防 jǐn fáng to guard against; to beware of
启 jǐn qǐ to respectfully inform (used at the beginning or end of letters)
qín jǐn diligent and painstaking
上 jǐn shàng respectfully yours (in closing a letter)
严 jǐn yán meticulous; rigorous
守 jǐn shǒu to adhere strictly (to the rules)
订 jǐn dìng would like to invite (epistolary style)
记 jǐn jì to remember with reverence; to bear in mind; to keep in mind
gōng jǐn respectful and cautious
奏 jǐn zòu respectfully present; humbly report
即 jǐn jí please instruct immediately; respectfully request prompt action
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