HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 971st character |
RADICAL | ⼭ (46.5) |
INDEX # | 1105 |
bank, shore; beach, coast
- bank, shore
- beach, coast
- variant of 岸[an4]
- bank
- shore
- beach
- coast
- CL:個|个[ge4]

海岸 hǎi àn | coastal; seacoast |
岸边 àn biān | shore |
海岸线 hǎi àn xiàn | coastline; seaboard; shoreline |
对岸 duì àn | opposite bank (of a body of water) |
岸上 àn shàng | ashore; on the riverbank |
靠岸 kào àn | (of a boat) to reach the shore; to pull toward shore; close to shore; landfall |
上岸 shàng àn | to go ashore; to climb ashore |
河岸 hé àn | riverside; river bank |
离岸 lí àn | offshore |
沿岸 yán àn | coastal area; littoral or riparian |
岸然 àn rán | solemn; serious |
彼岸 bǐ àn | the other shore; (Buddhism) paramita |
堤岸 dī àn | embankment; bank; levee |
左岸 zuǒ àn | Left Bank (in Paris) |
两岸 liǎng àn | bilateral; both shores; both sides; both coasts; Taiwan and mainland |
口岸 kǒu àn | a port for external trade; a trading or transit post on border between countries |
伟岸 wěi àn | imposing; upright and tall; outstanding; gigantic in stature |
象牙海岸 xiàng yá hǎi àn | Côte d'Ivoire or Ivory Coast (Tw) |
隔岸观火 gé àn guān huǒ | to watch the fires burning across the river; to delay entering the fray until all others have been exhausted by fighting amongst themselves (idiom) |
登岸 dēng àn | to go ashore; to disembark |
南岸 nán àn | Nananqu district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan |
黄金海岸 huáng jīn hǎi àn | name of various places including Gold Coast (Australian city), Gold Coast (former British colony in Africa) and Costa Daurada (area on the coast of Catalonia, Spain) |
偉岸 wěi àn | imposing; upright and tall; outstanding; gigantic in stature |
傲岸 ào àn | proud; haughty |
兩岸 liǎng àn | bilateral; both shores; both sides; both coasts; Taiwan and mainland |