
direct; wipe away; squander

HSK 5 #742


  • direct
  • wipe away
  • squander
  • to wave
  • to brandish
  • to command
  • to conduct
  • to scatter
  • to disperse


挥 stroke order diagram
挥 stroke order animation


zhǐ huī to conduct; to command; to direct; conductor (of an orchestra); CL:個|个[ge4]
fā huī to display; to exhibit; to bring out implicit or innate qualities; to express (a thought or moral); to develop (an idea); to elaborate (on a theme)
霍 huī huò to squander money; extravagant; prodigal; free and easy; agile
官 zhǐ huī guān commander
手 huī shǒu to wave (one's hand)
舞 huī wǔ to brandish; to wave sth
动 huī dòng to wave sth; to brandish
洒 huī sǎ to sprinkle; to shed (tears, blood etc); fig. free, unconstrained; to write in a free style
家 zhǐ huī jiā conductor (music)
发 huī fā volatile; volatility
发性 huī fā xìng volatility
棒 zhǐ huī bàng baton
泪 huī lèi to shed tears; to be all in tears
金如土 huī jīn rú tǔ lit. to squander money like dirt (idiom); fig. to spend money like water; extravagant
汗如雨 huī hàn rú yǔ to drip with sweat; sweat poured off (him)
借题发 jiè tí fā huī to use the current topic to put over one's own ideas; to use sth as a pretext to make a fuss
师 huī shī in command of the army
戈 huī gē to brandish a spear
毫 huī háo to write or draw with a brush; to put pen to paper; to write
而就 yī huī ér jiù to finish (a letter, a painting) at a stroke
即兴发 jí xìng fā huī improvisation
呼之即来,之即去 hū zhī jí lái , huī zhī jí qù to come when called (idiom); ready and compliant; always at sb's beck and call
执行指官 zhí xíng zhǐ huī guān executing commander
弹指一间 tán zhǐ yī huī jiān in a flash (idiom)
抗震救灾指部 kàng zhèn jiù zāi zhǐ huī bù earthquake relief headquarter
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