HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 808th character |
RADICAL | ⾮ (175.7) |
STROKES | 15 |
INDEX # | 3259 |
lean on, trust, depend on; near
- lean on, trust, depend on
- near
- to lean against or on
- to stand by the side of
- to come near to
- to depend on
- to trust
- to fuck (vulgar)
- traditional military costume drama where the performers wear armor (old)

可靠 kě kào | reliable |
依靠 yī kào | to rely on sth (for support etc); to depend on |
靠拢 kào lǒng | to draw close to |
靠近 kào jìn | near; to approach |
靠边 kào biān | to keep to the side; to pull over; move aside! |
投靠 tóu kào | to rely on help from sb |
停靠 tíng kào | to call at; to stop at; berth |
靠不住 kào bu zhù | unreliable |
靠岸 kào àn | (of a boat) to reach the shore; to pull toward shore; close to shore; landfall |
靠得住 kào de zhù | reliable; trustworthy |
倚靠 yǐ kào | to lean on; to rest against; to rely on; support; backing; back of a chair |
无依无靠 wú yī wú kào | no one to rely on (idiom); on one's own; orphaned; left to one's own devices |
牢靠 láo kào | firm and solid; robust; reliable |
可靠性 kě kào xìng | reliability |
背靠背 bèi kào bèi | back to back |
靠山 kào shān | patron; supporter; close to a mountain |
挂靠 guà kào | to be affiliated with; to operate under the wing of; affiliation |
靠背椅 kào bèi yǐ | high-back chair |
不可靠 bù kě kào | unreliable |
信靠 xìn kào | trust |
停靠港 tíng kào gǎng | port of call |
停靠站 tíng kào zhàn | bus or tram stop; intermediate stop (on route of ship, plane etc); port of call; stopover |
六亲无靠 liù qīn wú kào | orphaned of all one's immediate relatives (idiom); no one to rely on; left to one's own devices |
六親無靠 liù qīn wú kào | orphaned of all one's immediate relatives (idiom); no one to rely on; left to one's own devices |
哇靠 wā kào | (lit.) I cry!; Oh, bosh!; Shoot!; (from Taiwanese 我哭, Tai-lo pr. [goá khàu]) |