HSK | 5 |
FREQUENCY | 1758th character |
RADICAL | ⼀ (1.5) |
INDEX # | 402 |
be wedged or inserted between
夹 jiā |
夹 jiá |
夹 jià |

夹子 jiā zi | clip; clamp; tongs; folder; wallet |
夹杂 jiā zá | to mix together (disparate substances); to mingle; a mix; to be tangled up with |
夹克 jiā kè | jacket (loanword); also pr. [jia2 ke4] |
文件夹 wén jiàn jiā | folder; file (paper) |
皮夹 pí jiā | wallet; Taiwan pr. [pi2 jia2] |
夹心 jiā xīn | to fill with stuffing (e.g. in cooking); stuffed |
弹夹 dàn jiā | ammunition clip; cartridge clip; magazine (for ammunition) |
发夹 fà jiā | hair clip |
夹板 jiā bǎn | splint; clamp; vise (as torture instrument) |
夹层 jiā céng | interval between two layers; double-layered; mezzanine |
钱夹 qián jiā | wallet; Taiwan pr. [qian2 jia2] |
夹击 jiā jī | pincer attack; attack from two or more sides; converging attack; attack on a flank; fork in chess, with one piece making two attacks |
夹带 jiā dài | to carry within it; to be mixed in; to slip sth in; to intersperse; (hydrology etc) to entrain; to smuggle; notes smuggled into an exam |
夹竹桃 jiā zhú táo | oleander (Nerium indicum); Taiwan pr. [jia4 zhu2 tao2] |
夹缝 jiā fèng | crack; crevice |
夹攻 jiā gōng | attack from two sides; pincer movement; converging attack; attack on a flank; fork in chess, with one piece making two attacks |
夹角 jiā jiǎo | angle (between two intersecting lines) |
夹道欢迎 jiā dào huān yíng | to line the streets in welcome |
夹馅 jiā xiàn | stuffed (of food); with filling |
衣夹 yī jiā | clothespin; clothes peg |
夹具 jiā jù | clamp; fixture (machining) |
夹棍 jiā gùn | leg vise (torture instrument) |
夹道 jiā dào | a narrow street (lined with walls); to line the street |
雨夹雪 yǔ jiā xuě | sleet; mixture of snow and rain |
受夹板气 shòu jiā bǎn qì | to be attacked by both sides in a quarrel; to be caught in the crossfire |